Digital Poster Frames and the Media Player Question

Digital poster frames are for the displaying of slide shows, video, advertisements, and other live content in a business or other professional atmosphere.  The media players connected to the flat screen monitors are the engines behind the method, and there a lot of them on the market. This article will attempt to explain what differentiates one media player from the next into three main categories.

The reason digital poster frames are so popular has to do with the motion they generate. These displays stand a better chance at being noticed than printed advertisements simply because they behave like TVs. If something moves, our eyes follow it. And since we all know and love television, digital poster frames had a leg up on advertising competition ever since. These electronic displays all utilize flat screen TVs, but it’s the media player that sets them apart.

Plug and Play media players offer the easiest way to get started with a digital signage program. These players act as the bridge between your computer and your TV screen, and they don’t require an Internet connection to do it, making this one of the simplest of its kind to use. Download video and images from your computer onto a USB flash drive, then insert it into the media player to instantly enjoy the content downloaded from your computer. You can even control what is playing on the TV screen by means of remote control through a simple interface not unlike the menu on a DVD. These digital poster frames are a good choice for those just getting their feet wet in digital signage, or for those who want just a basic system without a lot of complexity.

Want to display current news headlines, weather, and stocks on your digital poster frames? This type of digital poster frame requires a Web-Based media player. Once hooked up to the Internet, you can select “live” sign channels to send onto your TV screen. You have the power to add national news & sports publications, stock tickers, and other informative content for your visitors. The main feature of displaying live sign channels is that the content updates on an hourly basis.  These digital poster frames are most often seen in public waiting areas such as airports, hotels, business lobbies, waiting rooms, service centers, and the like to provide people with entertaining information without it going stale.

Live television is yet another medium to apply digital signage. Media players able to display advertisements and other content alongside the big game can be a boon to bars and restaurants. Using specially-designed templates that wrap around the Live TV area, these media players can do it all. Scrolling tickers, ads for food and drink specials, and plugs for upcoming events can be displayed around the live TV field. Not only can the proprietor televise the big game, but also do it while display targeted advertising to their clientele.

The media players associated with digital poster frames comprise a lot of features worth delving into. There can be some cross-pollination between models; that is, some can perform the same task of another while providing more options, and vice versa. In the digital signage field, nothing is more important than education. To assume every media player can do what you want it to do is an invitation to trouble. Read up on what media players can do (and can’t) before taking that decision blindly. It will save you time, money, and frustration.

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